Saturday, March 07, 2009


what am I?

What's my role in this world?
...Is it a big one? or just that shadowy part at the background?
...Would it bring a great effect to the world and people around me? or is it only a sweeter?

How would I know if it's the right one or not?

Do I even really exist in this world?

Where is my place in this world?

I think I'm on my way of searching myself, my way of maturing myself.
and I don't want to be anyone... I want to be SOMEone...

One side:I'm hoping to know the answer soon. because I'm nervous
The other side: I'm afraid of knowing the answer. afraid that I would be disappointed.

1 comment:

a.a said...

hmmmm... i think, i understand what you feel. sometimes i feel, that my role in this worlds as the bad one.

tapi ya git, yang jelas lo salah 1 anak sanur di ka ini yang suka gw jadikan contoh anak sanur sih ke anak2. yang pinter, diplomatis, berwibawa, lucu dan menyenangkan. so it's your role in my world