Monday, April 24, 2006

Wearing the wrong shoes..

Wearing the wrong shoes in the morning could ruin the whole day.. That's what happened to me this last Sunday.

I was preparing myself for the sunday morning mass.. I chose my pale green shirt and the green trousers. Then I remembered that I have this not-so-new green shoes that I bought in the Flohmarkt for 1,50€. I thought it would be a great idea if I go all-green that day. I tried the shoes and realised that it's too big for me. I couldn't walk fast with these shoes and even running. But I have not much time to think and decided to go with the shoes because I thought that I will be out just for an hour, just for the mass and then go home..

And then.. the story goes not the way that I thought should be..

There was no morning Mass in the St. Bernhard Church. I was there with Resha, Claudia and Adeline. We decided then to go to the Frühlingsfest while we're waiting for the morning Mass in the St. Stephan Church which is at 11.30 am. And 'luckily' enough, we found out that the Frühlingsfest is stil closed. Because we still had 2 hours to go and had no idea where to go, then we took the S1 and go to the Ettlingen-Stadt.

I found out that the Ettlingen-Stadt was beautiful and I've never been there before. We took a walk through the zentrum and ate a strawberry-vanilla Danish. Then we took once again the S1 to go to the church. We came on time ( a bit too late actually..) but at least we could find a Sunday Mass..

During the Mass I was soooo sleepy. I didn't hear almost a word from the priest. I was so tired because the Sportfest the day before. After that, I thought that I should just take the tram and go home and sleep. But.. the story goes differently..

X called me and asked me to buy him the train ticket. That means that I got to go to Hauptbahnhof.. and that means I got to go back to the Zentrum.. and that means I couldn't go home.. Finally I bought the ticket. But the damn thing was, that I had to run to catch the tram and the bus that day on the way home! First I took the wrong tram (due to my sleepiness) and got to run to catch the another tram. Then got to run once again because the bus is soon will be leaving. I couldn't run fast because of the too-big-green shoes that I chose that day. Never thought that I would stay that long in the Zentrum on a Sunday..

The second thing that made me mad is the fuckin' O2 Provider! I had sent 6 Message to X and it costs 1,20 € and all the messages are not delivered!! damn! hate that thing..

The third thing that made me so damn crazy that day is that when I want to send my 7th Message to him with the other Provider (Vodafone..which is much better in quality ) I found out that the chip was gone!!!! I've looked for it all around my room but I couldn't find it until now.!!!!! There was still 4 € in the card.. :( wanna shout, wanna scream, wanna yell, wanna talk to someone.. but there's no one there...

Being tired from the madness I just went to bed. I didn't cry but I just felt so tired. I had also pass the chat-time with my mom (sorry mom, it's not because of you.. it's because of your half-mad-daughter) because I'm not in the mood for a chat..

So.. the whole Sunday was ruined. Dunno if it's trully the shoes' fault or not.. Well.. I got no one or nothing to blame,, just blame it to the shoes!! hahaha... :D

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Kondisi saya pada saat ini (Minggu, 9 April 2006 01:45):
-perut eneg
-mata ngantuk 5 watt
-kepala pusing
-ga bisa tidur

Jam segini masih tetep ajah gw memaksakan untuk bangun padahal gak ada kerjaan yang bisa gw lakuin. Tapi entah kenapa, pengen ajah gw untuk tetep bangun. Perut gw padahal eneg bgt gara2 roti goreng n perkedel yang kebanyakan minyak. Kepala pusing ntah kenapa, mungkin gara2 masuk angin. Kepala pusing ini juga bisa dikarenakan ketidakjelasan akan kegiatan di akhir minggu.

Hari Sabtu biasanya atau yang lebih tepat belakangan ini pasti diisi oleh bermacam hal yang menyenangkan. Hari Sabtu kali ini juga gw kira bakalan demikian. Ternyata tidak seperti angan2 yang ada. Diawali dengan pembukaan rantai2 sepeda dengan mesin las yg dibawa anson, gw ngerasa hari ini bakalan menyenangkan. Bangun siang jam 11, trus anson, claud, sama resha dateng ke Hadiko bwat ngebetulin sepeda sampai jam 4 sore. Lelah tapi asik..

Kesenangan itu ternyata adalah suatu awal karena setelah urusan sepeda selese, kita semua pergi ke kota bwat makan Halbeshänchen di Stern Kebap. Makan Halbeshänchen sama Pommes bener2 memuaskan, apalagi kalo makannya pake tangan.. huuumm..bener2 enak makan siang yang campur dengan makan malam gw hari ini!!! hahaha....

Blum puas dengan kenikmatan yang ada, kita lanjut ke eskrim. 1 Kugel eskrim Cappuccino, temen2 yang menyenangkan, cuaca yang bagus dengan matahari yang cerah (walopun sedikit berangin) plus taman Schloss yang makin menghijau membuat hari ini tampak indah. Kita duduk2 sambil ngobs2 sambil menjilat2 eskrim di bangku Schloss berjam2.. Waktu sudah menunjukkan pukul 7 malam tapi matahari yang masih meraja membuat kita tetap bertahan pada posisi. Sampai akhirnya kita menyadari bahwa kita musti ke Lidl bwat beli ayam untuk Nasi Hainam besok.

Akhirnya pembelian ayam bukan menjadi tujuan yang utama gw pergi ke Lidl karena entah bagaimana prosesnya, akhrinya gw membawa 2 kotak susu, satu botol Freeway Cola, Buttergemüse, 2 batang pisang ke meja kasir. Setelah belanja akhirnya secara ogah-ogahan gw naik trem no. 1 dan pulang ke Hadiko. Gw saat itu pasti ajah blum pengen pulang karena gw gak tau apa yang bisa gw lakuin dirumah. Gw seneng bareng temen2 saat itu dan gw bisa banyak tertawa.. Gw gak ngerasa sepi dan bosen dan gw kangen ngumpul2 sama mereka yang dah gw jarang rasain belakangan ini. Tapi, apa mau dikata.. saatnya untuk pulang. Gw berharap hari yang terasa indah ini akan berlanjut.

Di rumah gw chat berjam2 sama Ella yang dah lama banget gak OL. Banyak cerita baru yang gw dapet dan gw ceritain. Setelah bosen dan selese chat, gw telpon tami. Akhirnya gw ikut ngumpul sama mereka untuk ngabisin jalannya waktu yang begitu leletnya berjalan.. Mereka sibuk masak roti goreng sama perkedel. Awalnya gw masih semangat tapi entah lagi kenapa, badan ini rasanya cape.. Ikutan masak bikin gw dah gak berselera lagi bwat makan. Minyak yang banyak buat gw jadi eneg. AKhirnya mata ini mulai ngantuk n gw cuma tiduran doank di sofa sambil nonton TV yang gak jelas pula acaranya.

Jam setengah 2 pagi gw balik ke kamar. Gw nyalain lagi hape yang baru selese di charge dan gw ketik message pendek bwat orang yang karenanya hari2 Sabtu gw belakangan ini sangat menyenangkan. Gw berharap bakal dapet balesan n gw bisa mengobrol singkat.. membuat sisa2 waktu yang ada menjadi menyenangkan sehingga gw bisa mengubah pendapat gw n menyimpulkan bahwa hari ini begitu menyenangkannya. Tapi.. *blame the damn Timezone* gw gak dapet balesan. Perhaps he's still sleeping. Akhirnya gw selesaikan hari ini dengan mengepost blog dan penulisan ini berakhir sekarang.. aku tidur..

Current time: 17 days to go