Monday, February 05, 2007

Life is only once

Life is only once.. and once in a lifetime, you get a chance to decide which path do you want to take. There are some people, who are dedicating their lives for others lives. I can't imagine myself doing that thing. I got no guts and too afraid of doing something heroic. But these people do really can make it happens. They do heroic things, saving lives and making legends.

Legend is something that you did in the lifetime and the people will remember it always.. Not an easy job to do though.. hehehe...

And what about me? what am I going to do with this my the one and only life? Everyone has their own way.. I know.. but I just don't know which way am i going to go.. or, am I already on the way? so, which way did I take? is it the right one? What kind of way is this? and how is it going to end?

How can I make my *precious* life be so *precious* for the other too? Is that a dream? or can I make it somehow not through these heroic acts?

Wow.. it's so complicated. Is it maybe also the effect from the exam this morning?

00:08 (Inspired from "The Guardian")

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